So, last weekend, we were in the process of buying new shoes for David. We took a wrong turn - down a fire alley, to be exact (I wasn't driving) - and end up parking behind the store instead of beside it. In order to get into the store, we all needed to climb over a fence. After Johnny relieved himself in the parking lot, all 5 of us traipsed through the bushes, to get to the fence, to climb the fence, to get to the store. I say, with clear annoyance in my voice (did I mention I wasn't driving?) "We Frohlings sure like to do things the hard way, don't we?"
Andrew responds, "Yeah! Like move all the way to Argentina to give people money when all we really need to do is send a check."
I pause. Think about what he just said. Respond. "Um, Andrew, we are also going to make relationships with people and help them with their businesses and work alongside them."
"Well, we could just write them a letter," he tells me.
"We want to learn from them though too!" I quickly say.
"Well, mo-om. Just tell them to write. you. back."