On Saturday, we celebrated with Marisol and Alan as they exchanged their marriage vows.
When I think of these dear friends, I think of "new creations".
This is the second marriage for them both and Chris and I have enjoyed being a part of their new beginning.
And to be a part of the festive day with our favorite Argentine friends.
Yes, David is that tall.
And, yes, they're wearing the same outfits as the last wedding.
I love love love these ladies.
This was the first part of the wedding, the civil ceremony.
Marisol asked me to be one of her "witnesses" and it was a gift to sit beside her.
I even got to sign the official books, but only the judge got to use the stamp.
After the civil ceremony, Ruben Salcedo performed the Christian one.
Aren't they happy and beautiful??

After the ceremonies, we had the traditional champagne toast and cake eating at the church.
Then we got to drop the boys off with Guille and Susy (they were all thrilled!) and we headed to Villa Allende for the fiesta.

Our good friend Valentin came down for the wedding from Corrientes and stayed with us for the weekend.
He is so much fun and we all loved having the three days with him.
Two great men.
Alan is also our dentist.
(I much prefer him in his role as Marisol's husband.)
They both did a sweet job of expressing their thankfulness for each other, their family, their friends,
and especially their Heavenly Father.
They are a class-act, I'm telling you.
I'm not trying to be mean or exclusive or anything, but we had -- by far -- the best and most fun table, aun con colas huesadas.
I haven't laughed that hard in a very, very long time.
¡Viva los novios... y los amigos!