2 Juanitos. The elder Juanito is deaf and is showing a Palomera bird to the younger Juanito with hand signs.

The Palladinos met a man named Jose in SB who is from Puerto and this is his family. I got to go to their dinner as the "translator". One of the most amazing things about the Mexican families we have met is the way they love to share. We were blessed with the most delicious dinner (and as you can see, soda, which is like water here). I even ripped the heads and legs off of the shrimp all by myself. I'm excited to meet Jose now too. Heidi is really sick with the Mexican sickness and Chris was home studying.
Steve and I have had lots of time together since we went to church together too. Chris stayed home with Juanito since Juanito-nino is quite the pistol at church.

This is in our kitchen with our neighbors Felix, Maria, Erika, Javier and baby Felix-Jesus. Also, our #1 teacher Angie and her son Diego (far right next to Andres) came too. Our friend Alejandro, took the picture.

Famila Frohling on another Andador walk with the Pals.

Alejandro, Ari (our other #1 teacher), me and Chris on Ari's last day of school.

This is Felix and Javier, our neighbors with the Fro boys at the place where Felix works. It's about one block up from our house and he cuts fish that the fishermen bring in. I didn't go b/c I wasn't feeling well and I'm so glad I didn't. David said there were more flies there than he's ever seen in his life. And Felix wanted to show them how fast his hands were and he was able to catch 7 flies in one try. This whole experience was a highlight for the boys. Huge fish. I'm so glad I wasn't there (did I already say that?). Andres and Chris ate bugs that are dried from the water or something like that. I'd rather not think about it. Felix brought us over some amazing shrimp and fish that he cut up and his wife cooked. They are another example of delicious cooks and great share-ers.
I'm so thankful for this experience. It has been so great for our family. Although, Andres did ask Chris and me the other day as we were walking to the beach, "Do you guys even know what you're doing here?!?" Not disrespectfully at all, just reflective. We didn't really have an answer at that moment in time. David came up into our room a couple nights ago holding back tears because he "missed America." I think it will be so great for us all to have more grateful hearts and to thank God for all the things in our life that we used to take for granted.
My Spanish isn't that great, which is very frustrating for me, but I'm trying and I am praying every day that God would remove "los paredes en mi mente" (the walls in my mind) that don't allow me to get the words out of my mouth.
This Friday we leave on a 12 hour bus ride (yes, with Juanito) for Tuxtla Gutierrez to meet our Compassion kids, Juan y Luis. We expect it to be a highlight of this trip. David and Andres pray for their "brothers" almost every day and I think it will be great for them to actually get to meet them and see where they live and go to school. We leave at 9:30 pm on Friday and return Tuesday morning. We will play in Tuxtla during the weekend and meet with the boys on Monday.
Only 3 weeks left until we come home. I hope you all miss us! :)
Hola Frohs!
Les mando saludos de todos nosotros de Pura Vida. Nos hacen MUCHA falta y estamos felices que pronto van a estar aqui otra vez.
Dios con ustedes en su viaje a Tuxtla.
Estoy orando por aquellas paredes!
un abrazo,
It's so great to read about your experiences and what you are learning about yourselves and the people you meet. We miss you and look forward to your return! Enjoy this special time.
OK, so I'm not a blog-reader or writer, but I finally found my way to you! I should have started earlier, but I think I just "read" most of your trip, and am so happy to hear what a great time this has been for your family. Whatever Paula just said, I say "yo tambien!"
I can't wait to hear how your hearts have been expanded, though I do wish we could have that conversation in Spanish. (maybe the Fearerfam is next?)
Love to all of you,
Frohlings! I love your blog and reading about your experiences. Ustedes están en mis oraciones.
krista i'm loving the long hair...
and the bleachy blonde :) So great to see more photos and hear what you are doing. We really do miss you!
Super glad to have a chance to see all those great photos - the fish look incredible. I'm looking forward to some fly catching lessons from the kids.
WOW, those are some great stories and photos, I'm enjoying your blog! Tell Johnny boy we miss him here at Mrs. Nancy's house. Hope to see you soon, Hugs and blessings, Nancy
WOW, great stories and photos, we miss you hear at Mrs. Nancy's house! Hugs and blessings to all of you. See you soon, I hope.
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