I have been wanting to post about all the things that are annoying me lately, but I figured that would be too long of a list. Maybe I'll do a top 5 list sometime for your reading pleasure, beginning with Argentina losing to Germany FOUR to zero. It makes me want to spit.


Johnny got his hair cut today. It was a bit sad for me, but it's his hair and I don't want to ever fight over that kind of stuff with my kiddos. He says he hates his curls. (How could anyone hate curls except old ladies in church who think curls = little doggies?) I think he wanted to look more like his brothers and less like his mom. He does now.
I'm hoping that cutting off his wild hair will cut back on his wild behavior. Is that asking too much?

And here is Andrew's new do too...

I sure love these kiddos. I'm a blessed mama!
1 comment:
they are getting so big!!
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