Thursday, August 12, 2010


Sweet Buddy arrived safe and sound. Poor dog travelled over 24 hours in his kennel and went 42 hours without food. Chris picked him up with our new friend named Abel and they were at the airport for four hours dealing with ridiculous bureaucracy. Chris said he hasn't felt that " North American " since we've been here (as far as wanting / needing efficiency ). There was about 45 minutes where he could see Buddy in his kennel but was not allowed to get him.
So, now that we are all here, guess what?
It's raining.
Thunder + lightening + rain + dusty , dirty roads = a lot of mud.
Buddy is a champ and has an iron bladder.
I'm so thankful that he had a week with his special friend Rocky the Chocolate Lab and the Yager family, a day with his cousin Gloria the bulldog and the other Frohling Family, and a night and morning with Blossom the Cocker Spaniel and my mom. She took him to the airport at 6:00 in the morning (and also had to deal with a lot of inefficiency and bureaucracy at LAX).
And now, I'm especially thankful that he's here with us. He's "home".


Annie Gupta said...

Hooray! I'm so glad he made it safely. Thanks for the update. Love you!

sfogg said...

So glad that you are all together again! You are all such troopers. Glad for the updates. Love you!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that Buddy boy made it safe and sound. Hope that all your toes stay on your feet!

Love you guys.