We have had the privilege of getting to know Devin Dvorak who is here, in Cordoba Capital, on a Fulbright scholarship from Pepperdine University . Small world, I know. He is researching economic development here, working with different institutions, and being a good-will ambassador from the USA to Argentina . We have been able to collaborate with him on some projects and gain some valuable insight into the Argentine financial landscape from his extensive research.
Together, Chris and Devin visited an microlending foundation, Banco Mudial de la Mujer, to meet with the president. She was very helpful, informing them that the foundation has 500 borrowers, 5 loan officers who collect the loan payments in the surrounding communities, the average loan size is USD$400, and many other things (Chris and Devin had a list of 17 questions). She expressed openness to working with other organizations, so there is a possibility that we would be able to provide some small business development training.
On a personal note, here's a photo of David in his first soccer game.
He's playing for BOCA-Córdoba.
Andrew and Johnny just started playing basketball at a neighborhood club.
At the moment, they are outside practicing their dribbling skillage.
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