It has been a full couple of weeks and I'm guessing this pace will continue until May 31.
I try to remember -- but often fail -- to take photos of our experiences.
Here are some highlights of the last few days.
David's classmates planned a suprise going away party for him last Friday, complete with covering his body with shaving cream, flour, and sand. They ate a hamburger dinner together while hanging out, talking, and playing.
All his amigos wrote David thoughtful notes and compiled them in a book and the above poster.
As Chris left him at the party, he heard the chants of "el David no se va... el David no se va."
Chris and I had a double date with Bethany and Roman AND one with Guille and Susy.
(Of course, I didn't have the camera for the time with Guille and Susy. Lame-o.)
We are so incredibly blessed by our friendship with these couples and the very special memories we share with them.
It's amazing the way God has provided these precious people to us.
We enjoyed a family dinner with the Lencina family at their beautiful home. Ignacio is in Andrew's class and Sofia is in David's. They are some of the nicest people and it was a gift to share a meal with them.
(Andrew ate 3 chicken legs! You'd have thought I don't feed the child!)
I spent some good time with Sofia looking at her baby pictures and talking about life.
The boys enjoyed lots of video game time.

Andrea, Raquel and Ricardo are sweet friends from church.
These brave souls invited our family, the Field family, and the Caceres family over to share a meal around their table(s).
We had a yummy mix of Armenian and Argentine food based on the origins of Raquel and Ricardo.
(I think Chris and I ate half of the homemade hummus.)
It was another delicious meal time, seasoned with engaging life stories and conversations.
One of the many things I've (re)learned here is the importance of sitting around the table:
sharing life through sharing meals.
Doing so has allowed us to enter in to many peoples' lives in a way that is otherwise not possible.
We are so thankful for the warm hospitality we have experienced from our Argentine friends.
(And this absolutely includes the friends we've met in Argentina who have a different passport country... maybe say Australia or Los EEUU.)
I'm pretty sure all 5 of us Frohlings are walking around with lumps in our throats most of the time.
We're so excited to come home and say hola, yet at the same time we're very sad to leave and say chau.
In those emotions, however, the overriding feeling is one of gratitude.
Gratitude for the good advice followed to stick it out here.
Gratitude for the healing God gave as a result.
Gratitude that one of the ways God heals us is through relationships with His children.
We are so very thankful... even with our lumpy throats.
I have a lumpy throat just reading this... So thankful for the rich frienships you have made in Argentina. It seems we will always be homesick for someone in our lives when we open up our hearts to love others be loved by people all over the world. Praying these next couple weeks are full of more times like these reminding you of God's great provision through friendship. Love you all!
Oh, I agree. Have you heard of this women before? Miriam Adeney...she wrote one of my favorite quotes: "You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart always will be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place."
so true.
I am touched by this post and hearing how your heart has expanded during this time. You are coming home with so much more to share and teach us. Michelle, I really like that quote you shared. Praying for these last few days, Krista. Love, love.
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