Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Car Conversation

Monday, November 22, 2010

Today he said, "I didn't like doing my math, but I liked getting it done."
(He has been working through the Spanish Math book that his school uses and has almost completed the entire year in one month.)

I am continually amazed at his willingness to go into new situations that he realizes are necessary but I know he despises. He does it without complaining and sets a good example for his brothers.

He has developed a new desire to travel the world and learn more languages. After Spanish, he intends to learn Portugese, French and then German. And I have no doubt he'll do it. We got him a world map for his birthday along with some money from Brazil and Uruguay. He's already begun saving for his world travels.
(He's standing in front of the Panama Canal in the above photo.)
I'm not sure how come I got such a great kiddo. Must be his dad's genes...
Happy Birthday, David.
I love you to the sky a google times... and back.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
New Friends & Field Trips
In about a week, they are returning to Australia for a time, but we are thankful to begin a friendship with them. They have 4 kids who are 12, 10, 8, & 6. We're missing their oldest son and Andrew in the picture above which was taken at Jacob's 6th birthday party on Friday.
David, Andrew & Johnny had a great time playing with some new friends who could speak English. It was a natural connection. I loved being able to communicate well with other little ones... sometimes I speak my worst Spanish with the kiddos here. I'm not sure why.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Typical Day
12:30 pm - I get in the taxi, say "derecho hasta Pedro Zanni" and enjoy the 80s pop music.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Parque Sarmiento

I've neglected to inform you that we, down here in the Southern Hemisphere, have welcomed Spring. We officially live in a place that has unique seasons. As you folks up North embrace Fall and all things pumpkin, we're celebrating Spring. This includes flowers, peaches, and heat.

Our house stays remarkable cool, but we ventured out to Parque Sarmiento for some scooter rides around the lake. It was interesting to see people spread out on blankets in the shade drinking hot mate. No gracias por mi.

This is a sign I thought was funny and I'm pretty sure Paul will too. I was tempted to photograph the people playing soccer a little behind the sign, but I resisted.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Toys, New Family Member, Visitors, Guatemala, and a 69th Birthday!
We got a fun package in the mail this week that included, "Vines" a stuffed monkey for Johnny, a Hero Factory Lego dude for David, and a 3 in 1 Lego creation set for Andrew. These are very loved boys.
The package also included Tom's deoderant for Chris (thank you from all of us), Trader Joe's lip balm for me, and coffee and cilantro seeds for La Familia.
I'm looking forward to making some picante salsa.

As I write, Chris is on his way to a week long conference in Guatemala about implementing microfinance programs with local churches (exactly what we hope to do here). Here's a link to what he'll be learning: Course Descriptions « CEDI Guatemala Conference