Today he said, "I didn't like doing my math, but I liked getting it done."
(He has been working through the Spanish Math book that his school uses and has almost completed the entire year in one month.)

I am continually amazed at his willingness to go into new situations that he realizes are necessary but I know he despises. He does it without complaining and sets a good example for his brothers.

He has developed a new desire to travel the world and learn more languages. After Spanish, he intends to learn Portugese, French and then German. And I have no doubt he'll do it. We got him a world map for his birthday along with some money from Brazil and Uruguay. He's already begun saving for his world travels.
(He's standing in front of the Panama Canal in the above photo.)
I'm not sure how come I got such a great kiddo. Must be his dad's genes...
Happy Birthday, David.
I love you to the sky a google times... and back.
Happy Happy Birthday David Froh! We love you and miss you and think you're every bit as cool as your mom just said!
We'll look forward to post cards when you travel the world.
Much Love,
The Stones
I remember that day well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a special boy.... we love you guys ! thinking of you!
Happy Birthday David!! We love you! We're so proud of you!
The Guptas :)
wow that makes me feel old. happy birthday to david!
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