We got a fun package in the mail this week that included, "Vines" a stuffed monkey for Johnny, a Hero Factory Lego dude for David, and a 3 in 1 Lego creation set for Andrew. These are very loved boys.
The package also included Tom's deoderant for Chris (thank you from all of us), Trader Joe's lip balm for me, and coffee and cilantro seeds for La Familia.
I'm looking forward to making some picante salsa.
The boys also discovered a new toy to collect here called "GoGos".
They are mini-figures that have a sticker book with all the guys in it, along with games and comics. It's been a fun way for them to spend their time together
(and their own pesos).
It was no small task to procure this newest member of our family.
It's a 1995 VW Quantam and it's easy to drive, although the streets here make any driving difficult. We're excited to explore and discover new parts of our new city.
We had our first set of visitors this week! Who's next?
María Ogenia and Valdir Franca from Latin America Mission came for a 3 day visit. María Ogenia is from Argentina and Valdir is from Brazil.
They both speak 3 languages (nice) and are experts in multi-cultural relations.
We felt affirmed, encouraged, and challenged by their visit and we miss them already!
[Dang, I need to paint those pink walls!]

As I write, Chris is on his way to a week long conference in Guatemala about implementing microfinance programs with local churches (exactly what we hope to do here). Here's a link to what he'll be learning: Course Descriptions « CEDI Guatemala Conference
It was a tearful good-bye, but I know Chris will be inspired and will come home
with great ideas and a renewed passion of being in Córdoba Capital.
Of course, we got lost on the way home from the airport.
(Can I blame my getting lost on the lack of coffee I had in my system at such a God-forsaken hour?)
But, never fear, my fearless 10-year-old navigator got us back on the freeway.
We got home, ate breakfast, and Andrew disappeared into another room.
When he came out he showed me the above Lego creation he made for his dad.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
We love you and we miss you.
We've all grown up a bit since this fun time in Arizona (especially you)
and we like remembering our special times together.
Have a great day, eat some chocolate, and laugh a lot!
Do I have to move to Argentina to get those 'GoGOs' things? I have a kid who is mini-figure obssessed.
Krista, it's such a small world! Email coming soon : )
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