So, to dampen my spirits further, I decided to rip out the disgusting, molding caulking in our bathroom. I won't go into the finer points on things that are hecho en Argentina since I'm already grumpy, but suffice it to say that when a shower floor doesn't have a slight slant toward the drain and you need to literally sweep the water until it disappears, mold can tend to grow. I hate mold.
Last night and today, I took it upon myself to pull out all the repulsive caulking, dry the shower thoroughly, and recaulk the floor. You wouldn't care to see the before and after photos in this Do-It-Yourself since it was ugly before and it's still ugly after (and I didn't take any anyway). Now, it's just really clean and not at all moldy.
Just as it was in the States, life can be difficult to balance. To vent a little? It's hard to balance trying to raise 3 kind, generous, God-fearing boys; be nice to my husband; learn a new language and culture; cook, clean, launder; start a new ministry; visit poor villas; miss my family and friends; make new friends and contacts; take an online course; kill bugs; update spreadsheets; buy school supplies for 8 subjects with new lists every other day... I guess that was more than a little venting. I told you I'm in a bad mood.
Everyday, we post a new word and verse for our family. Today it's
and the verses are Hebrews 12:1-2 (from the Message):
"Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever."
Okay. Okay. I still feel like this:
Your honesty Krista. Kills me. It's what I love about you and I'm pretty sure God loves this about you too. And holy cow.. you have a LOT on your plate. Wish I could help lighten your load. Speaking of loads... you should have seen Noah's last diaper.
I agree with Marlene. You have the great gift of making everyone laugh even in the midst of sharing frustrations. I LOVED the picture especially. Thank you for your honesty. I am praying for perseverance. Love you!
Krista, know that I'm sending lots of love your way.
Your honesty inspires us all to live our lives more candidly, your humor is missed beyond words and frankly I think you're a total rock star that you're able to take on project like recaulking your shower floor in Argentina!
Lots of love to you and your incredible family.
I've needed to recaulk our bathtub ever since the remodel because there are big gaps, but I haven't gotten around to it. You've inspired me to action. I miss you sweet friend.
I had your email but hadn't realized the blog attached. Awesome. I just started reading and already have to post. You actually removed the caulk. I totally caulked right over the black stuff, I was so mad I couldn't get the old stuff out. I didn't know it was possible to have houses creepier than old SB. Go figure. I can't wait to get to your next post. By the way, did I ever mention MISSING you guys? So much. In other news, we finally have cameras that work great. We'd love to Skype.
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