Johnny's 6th birthday is today.
Here are 6 things I really like about him (in no particular order):

2.) His eyebrow raising skillage.

3.) His love and admiration for his brothers.
4.) His never-ending energy.
(Even if this makes my heart skip a beat every once in awhile.)

I love you Johnny-boy.
You have my heart - wear it carefully.

Happy Birthday Johnny boy! We love you and we hope that you have a great day and great sixth year of life!
The Stones
Happy Birthday to your wonderful boy! I hope you guys get to celebrate latino style with lots and lots of firecrackers, right?
Happy Birthday Johnny Fro Fro!! We hope you have a great day celebrating.
We love you!
Annie, Ramon & Caleb
#2- He is his mother's son!!!!!
We miss that smile and warm personality! Happy belated birthday young man!
Hi Chris and Krista- can you send me your email address? Thanks- you can email me at "barttarman@gmail.com"- Ojala que esten disfrutando su tiempo en Argentia! Con amor y abrazos, Bart
Krista, I love your postings! Thanks for the email newsletter too. -Ryan Wolf
When I was one I had just begun
When I was two I was nearly new
When I was three I was hardly me
When I was four I was not much more
When I was five I was just alive
But now I am six I'm as clever as clever: I think I'll stay six forever and ever.
AA Milne
My godmother gave me the book with this in it when I was six and each of my kids have a copy...Johnny's is on the way :)
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