Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nuestra Casa - Cosquin 1481

I have so much to say, but as I've said before, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

After some setbacks, we are moved into our home!!! It's wonderful.
This is a big room where we will also have couches and TV (where I'm standing taking the picture). We bought the table and chairs for 1,550 pesos which is about $375... it's beautiful! We, obviously, did not pick out the wall color. It will be changed soon.

The boys' room.

Chris's and my room. We got the bed last Friday and the sheets and comforter yesterday (Monday). We were sleeping in sleeping bags which are now serving as the pillows inside the brown pillow cases. The flowered pillowcase has bubble wrap inside it. Whatever works, right? It was a little difficult to find something that matched the wall color, but I think we did. Also, be sure to notice the pink, white & black marble floors. They have grown on me.

The first bathroom. David turned on the bidet and got squirted in the face. (We haven't been bold enough to ask someone how to use it yet... we've been told it's for "washing".) I love the antique tiles with pictures painted on them.

The second bathroom (with a portable bidet hidden in the toilet)

The big tiled garage that is being used as Buddy's room and a work-out room. It's great!

And, my favorite feature? Heaters in EVERY ROOM!!!

The kitchen is very big, but I want to wait to post pictures until the trabajadores finish the work on the cabinets. Currently there are no doors on the bottom cabinets and I'd like to show you a finished photo. It's really big. I like it. The first item we bought was a coffee maker and my brain has begun functioning mejor now that I have real coffee.

We also have another big room that will serve as our guest room whenever any of you plan to travel south. It's unfurnished, but painted a lovely shade of sea-green (like the others) with a nice pink floor. Eventually, it will be furnished with a nice, cozy sofa-cama and desk.

It feels so good to be settled.

¡Nuestra casa es tu casa!


BobLud said...

Great looking house...what a blessing to look at your setup there.

Marlene said...

Oh... this post makes my heart so happy! What a relief to finally unpack and sleep in a real bed... and not have strangers stare at your bed head in the morning en route to a bathroom. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Oh Happy Day!
We're so happy that you have a place to call home. I can't wait to hear all about the bidets once you've been properly oriented. I've always secretly wanted one in our house.
Love you guys.
Cari (and the rest of the Stones)

dixonfam said...

hello your new house looks just like the Gupta's house, but sweeter!
It looks awesome! I can't wait to go and see it myself!

love alyssa

paul said...

that tiled garage has indoor futbol written all over it. paint goals on opposing walls and then you are good to go. you could open your own 2v2 league.

Jeff Wright said...

The house looks grand. Thinking about you guys.

Dawn said...

Yea! Love that you guys have a home now even if it does include quite a bit of pink!

sfogg said...

woo hoo!!! so glad you have a casa to call your own. love that the boys have blue beds, some things don't change.

Annie Gupta said...

So happy to hear you are getting settled!!!! I love that you posted pictures. So glad you got a coffee maker too. I wish I could send you some vanilla creamer. :) Love to you friend! Oh and Caleb was eating a plum today and he said, "Oh...Auntie Krissa" because you were the first person to give him a plum. So sweet. We miss you!

heather west said...

Looks great, Krista! And, I do love that dining room table!!!!!

Jodi Coates said...

WOW, what an adventure you have had already. I am so glad to hear you have a home to settle in to. Love the new table! I wish I could come to your house and see it in person...maybe someday! So glad to hear Buddy made it...what a trooper. I am sure you were so glad to see him. I really miss you! We are praying for you. I love you!