Friday, April 13, 2012

Doggy and Shiny Teeth

As you must know, Johnny has a very special friend named Doggy who has been an extremely important part of our family since Johnny was an infant.  Doggy has been through many things, including various maulings by the real dog in the family.  He only has half an ear, an open (though bandaged) wound on his arm, no stuffing left in his neck, and not even a speck of a tail.  Doggy, I've noticed, has a high pain tolerance, a deep voice, and is king of the animal kingdom living on Johnny's bed.

Recently, Johnny decided that Doggy missed his life on Dog Island (which is where he lived before being kidnapped, placed in a toystore, and bought as a gift for the baby-Johnny) and that Doggy needed to have his girlfriend, Shiny Teeth, come to live with us.  Doggy was getting desperate to see his long-lost love and so, she made her miraculous appearance (do you know how difficult it is to get off of Dog Island??) on Johnny's 7th birthday last month and all is well again in the Frohling household.

Johnny reading a silly dog book to Shiny Teeth (left) and Doggy (right)

In the midst of all the handmade happy faces taped on the wall beside Johnny's bed, you can see 2 additional drawings:
The other is a drawing of Shiny Teeth and Doggy kissing.
What I wouldn't give to be in that head of his...

1 comment:

TP said...

Welcome, Shiny Teeth! How brave you are to get off Dog island. Just like Johnny Boy leaving SB and traveling to Cordoba. I know you will have many adventures with Doggy but I do hope you will not have the scary ones Doggy has had.
You are so special, Johnny...can't wait to see you soon.