Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Last 48 Hours

Our dog thinks he's human and is very comfortable with himself (and not allowed on the furniture).

Andrew had a gnarly asthma attack on Thursday night and is still wheezing pretty bad so we are nebulizing him 3x/day per doctor’s orders.

David played 3 full soccer games today (1 in Goleta, then 1 in Oxnard, then 1 in Goleta).

Johnny got to have quiet time in his room during dinner because he belched like an infamous truck driver.

I sorted through 20 decks of cards (yes, TWENTY) while purging our "stuff". I'm also on a cussing fast. Clearly I'd much prefer to say another s-word for "stuff".

Chris got to use his BB gun to kill a rat that wasn’t quite dead in a rat trap. He shot it 4 times before it finally breathed its last.

That sums up our last 2 days. How are you?

1 comment:

h west said...

We found out last week that we can't vacation in CA due to lack of money. My husband was injured and off work for 2 weeks under the assumption that workman's comp would pay and they're not going to pay. I was on the verge of tears for 2 days straight and if you looked at me funny, I would lose it.

It snowed Fri night when I went out to an Indian restaurant for dinner. On the way home, I could barely see where I was going and was sliding around on the ice. I swore. Sh**. I think I decided to screw everything and move to India where the food is yummy and the people are nice. And there's a beach there.

The first baseball tournament was cancelled due to the blasted snow.

We had a squirrel that was taking insulation from one side of our house (he was climbing inside our house from the outside to get it) and building a home in our microwave vent. My husband and son got out the BB gun and my son shot it, but it didn't die. My husband proceeded to beat it with a shovel until it was dead, getting blood all over the snowy ground. That was fun. (That didn't happen last week, but I thought I'd throw it in for a bonus.)

Snowed again yesterday. Have I mentioned that I love snow?

So, there you have it. Thanks for asking.