Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Car Conversation

Here is a portion of a conversation in our car the other day on the way to school...
Chris: Do you guys know that you can never hide from God?
Johnny: Well, sometimes I forget about God.
Chris: Me too, Johnny. I try to do things through the day to help me remember Him like thank Him for the good things or ask Him to help me when I need it.
Johnny: Yeah, I'm going to ask Him to make the days til we go home go fast. At least the last 8 days have gone fast.
And then, a little bit later...
Johnny: When I grow up, I want to have a bunch of dogs that are good. And if they're lost, I'll take them. I'll have about 15. Then I'll start with cats who like dogs. And I'd like to have a calm wife who will probably be grumpy when she doesn't sleep enough. We'll have zero girls and two or three boys.


The Ingrams said...

Wow. Johnny's got it all planned out, huh? I love the "calm wife" part... SO funny!

Annie Gupta said...

Once again...Love that boy!!!
Thankful for you all today.
Happy Thanksgiving!