Monday, June 20, 2011

Presupuestos y Finanzas en el Campamento

Our workshop ended up being a lot of fun – can you believe it?  The attendees were very gracious with our level of Spanish and they were very interactive and participatory.  Basically, the 120 people attending the conference are people who give Christian camps to kids, pre-adolescents, adolescents, jovenes (young people 18 – 30 years old), adults, and people with special needs.  They do things like we’ve experienced at Forest Home or Hume Lake.

Here are some of our take-aways for next time:

If we don’t have Dan Michaelson here, we should probably try to get someone to hang out with the kiddos. They were great sports, but it was a long time to wait. There was a basketball court that they played on for about an hour, but it got too cold to play outside.

Definitely make cookies. It was a great idea and I think it helped with our evaluations.

On the aforementioned evaluations, the main feedback on ways to improve was to have more time. The seminar was 2.5 hours. We will need to learn how to make the best use of the time given. I could not bear to give a seminar for longer than 2.5 hours.

We made some new friends as seen above and are thankful for the opportunity (now that it's over).

¡Feliz Día de la Bandera!
(Day of the Flag – it’s another holiday today!)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

pues, felicidades! Para dar un presentacion for 2.5 horas es bien dificil! Estoy impresionada. Yo di una presentacion para un hora y fue mas que suficiente tiempo.

Also, you should know based on one of Jill's emails I thought YOU were coming to SB because it said "Krista is 2 plane flights away" ha. oops. wishful thinking...